

“At a time when the world faces a global pandemic and other formidable threats, we must join forces across borders and generations to work together for a better common future. This photo exhibition can help to inspire us for this collective task.”

– UN Secretary-General, António Guterres

On the United Nations 75th anniversary, we asked people around the world to share their vision of #TheWorldWeWant

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres launched a global conversation on the world’s future, inviting everyone, everywhere to participate, to commemorate the United Nations 75th anniversary.

75 years ago, in the aftermath of the horrors of WWII, the United Nations Charter articulated an audacious hope issued by “We the Peoples of the United Nations” to protect, value and promote human rights, dignity, justice and peace for all.

Today, the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic—arguably the greatest test humanity has experienced since WWII—has exposed the existing fault lines of inequality, injustice, fear and misinformation, underscored by the climate crisis and an unparalleled extinction of species on our planet. In this moment of reckoning, the voices of “We the Peoples” could not be more critical in charting a course forward for humanity on our shared planet.

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This exhibit features 75 winning images from #TheWorldWeWant, a global photo contest hosted and organized by in support of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.

This exhibit was launched in October 2020

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